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Commonly Reported Issues

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Docs NixOS ZaneyOS
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Documentation - This article is part of a series.
Part 6: This Article

No default/fallback boot loader #

File system "/boot" is not a FAT EFI System Partition (ESP) file system.
systemd-boot not installed in ESP.
No default/fallback boot loader installed in ESP.

This error is caused by installing using MBR and not UEFI. It is important to use GPT and UEFI when installing the system. If you get this error just reinstall ensuring you are correcting booting and installing using UEFI.

Hyprland Plugins Fail: (headers ver in not equal… #

Demo Of Plugin Headers Failing

This can happen after updates. Don’t freak out, you just need to reboot so the headers can be reloaded.

Waybar does not load after a flake-rebuild #

This issue can be caused by setting a waybar style value to an invalid value.

Resolution: Edit zaneyos/options.nix file, set the correct value and use the flake-rebuild alias.

Trace: warning: (insert problem) #

This is common when NixOS options in ZaneyOS itself or the modules it uses are changed. If I can I will ensure these don’t happen, sometimes it is just not possible.

This is just a warning and there is not actually a problem. If you have a problem building, this is not the cause.

Documentation - This article is part of a series.
Part 6: This Article


How The Config Files Work
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My NixOS Configuration: ZaneyOS Explained
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Setting Options For Flake
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